via Patrick Madrid
There is a scene in one of the Die Hard movies where Bruce Willis is getting into an elevator with a bunch of Eurobaddies pretending to Americans. The Eurobaddies are intent on putting an end to the movie series by… Continue Reading →
The Politico reports that Republican Eric Cantor, like 70% of Americans, is against the construction of the Ground Zero Mosque. But notice what The Politico goes out of their way to report: Rep. Eric Cantor, one of the highest-ranking Jewish… Continue Reading →
We knew that some English government officials were a wee bit peeved about the Pope coming to England. They’ve shown that with their emails suggesting that the Pope visit an abortion clinic or suggesting a new brand of Pope Benedict… Continue Reading →
Putting a mosque at Ground Zero would be as crazy as…say, erecting an memorial at Shanksville, Pennsylvania for the victims of Flight 93 in the shape of an Islamic crescent. Oh wait. Never mind. This is the “Crescent of Embrace”… Continue Reading →
News reports say that the first school in the D.C. area named after President Barack Obama opened today as the school year began. Barack Obama Elementary School opened its doors in Upper Marlboro, Md. This school will have several unique… Continue Reading →
Just hours before Iran flipped the switch and transformed themselves from a anti-semitic madhouse into a nuclear anti-semitic madhouse, one Rabbi is saying it’s beginning to feel a lot like the 1930’s – except he’s talking about how people who… Continue Reading →
The poet Rtalph Waldo Emerson famously said “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.” May I humbly suggest that as far as the hobgoblins of little statesmen go, inconsistency trumps…. Continue Reading →
Your free speech rights are secondary when some potential tax revenue is on the line, at least in Philadelphia. Check out this outrageous story. For the past three years, Marilyn Bess has operated MS Philly Organic, a small, low-traffic blog… Continue Reading →
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