Just this past weekend, shoppers at the the Macy’s in Philadelphia (the old Wanamaker building) were surprised when over 600 choristers who were there mingling with regular shoppers suddenly burst into Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus. It’s pretty awesome. The Opera Company… Continue Reading →
OK. Today is the coolest day ever. Adam Baldwin, co-star of “Chuck” and “Firefly,” just retweeted a post of ours. That’s right Jayne, the Hero of Canton, just retweeted our post on CBS’s photoshop of Obama. Baldwin asked “Racism?” Ah,… Continue Reading →
The Susan B. Anthony List is the Dick Butkus of politics. Yup. The Dick freaking Butkus of politics. Like quarterbacks with great offensive lines, self identified pro-life Dems who actually weren’t pro-life at all ran the political field almost without… Continue Reading →
Congratulations to you GOP on your tremendous victory Tuesday. Congratulations to you too, future Speaker Boehner. I know you have many things you believe are part of your mandate. That’s great. Have at it. But first gimme what I want…. Continue Reading →
How can CBS News explain this photoshopped picture? What possible explanation could they have? Accompanying their election coverage on their website, CBS published this photoshopped picture of a half black/half white President Obama with Republicans and Democrats on either side… Continue Reading →
Last night I watched all the different news programs. I even watched MSNBC for a while if you can believe it. All of the media at one point or another bemoaned that the Republican gains would mean GRIDLOCK!!!!! Oh Nooooooooooo…. Continue Reading →
Look, we all knew this was going to be a rough night for the MSNBC gang. But this is just crazy. I initially put this on the Live blog but it’s so nasty and rude that I had to bring… Continue Reading →
4:07 AM A Picture is worth a thousand words. ht Gateway 3:45 AM: CNN.com Headline “Split Decision” Hardly. That is some wishful thinking. 3:30 AM: Hard to know exactly what will happen in Alaska with write-in leading Miller 39-34%. Have… Continue Reading →
Don’t trust those predicting a GOP sweep. Here’s the thing, nobody knows anything. Just two years ago all the prognosticators foresaw a new era of progressivism with the GOP being banished to the hinterlands. Let’s walk down Memory Lane and… Continue Reading →
I wasn’t even going to write about this but it kept bugging me so here I am. Yesterday the Politico wrote a slam piece with tons of unattributed and derogatory quotes about Sarah Palin, saying that the GOP Establishment’s first… Continue Reading →
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