We Laugh Because We Believe

Month January 2011

Judge John Roll, Hero

We’ve reported before that Judge John Roll seemed like a good Catholic family man. Now it seems he died attempting to protect another shooting victim, according to video of the Tuscon shooting viewed by investigators. The New York Times reports:… Continue Reading →

True Grit Like You Have Never Heard It

I think the world of Fr. Barron. His review of True Grit (spoilers included) is a perfect example of what is so great about him. He sees the mystical in the mundane, intended (as in this case) or unintended. He… Continue Reading →

NAACP Puts George Washington in a Box

Wow. An NAACP celebration honoring Martin Luther King Day put a statue of George Washington in a box. No official word yet on why our Founding Father was boxed but I’m thinking it was because he was offensive and people… Continue Reading →

Your Permanent Record Has Gone PC

Remember how in school teachers would threaten you with some infraction becoming part of your PERMANENT RECORD!!!!! And even back then we thought to ourselves it’s all a big fat lie. We knew there was no such thing as a… Continue Reading →

Condoms Should Come with Capes

To the progressive mind, there’s nothing condoms can’t do. It’s true. The belief that synthetic rubber birth control has the ability to cure any and all of humanity’s ills is a bedrock belief of the progressive movement. Ask a progressive… Continue Reading →

Gotta’ See This One

Normally I ignore anything that goes down on MSNBC but Chris Matthews was honored by my alma mater, a Catholic university, so I get especially annoyed at the embarrassing things he does. Here, Matthews asks former RNC Chair Michael Steele,… Continue Reading →

Its On Like Donkey Kong!

Oh, its on like Donkey Kong! Mess with the bull, you get the horns!! Or something like that. Jimmy Akin, the ginger-haired sage at the National Catholic Register, has called me to an Aaron Burr / Alexander Hamilton like duel… Continue Reading →

Animal Shoots Hunter

You know all those strange animal deaths happening all around the world. Well now it seems that it’s affecting people too – hunters especially. It’s time to stop acting all nicey nice with animals now that they’re fighting back. A… Continue Reading →

Santo Not So Subito!

The cries echoes up from the piazza, Santo Subito! Santo Subito! Sainthood Now! I can guarantee one thing, no one will ever hear that phrase pass my lips. I like mail, doctor’s appointments, and State of the Union address to… Continue Reading →

Gervais Thanks God for Being Atheist

There are atheists in foxholes. Ricky Gervais proved it last night. I know that many believe that when someone is in mortal danger they often find God out of desperation. But last night while Ricky Gervais’ career as a television… Continue Reading →

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