We Laugh Because We Believe

Month March 2011

Fr. Barron on God’s Love and the Tsumani

Another great video from Fr. Barron and his Word on Fire peeps. Also, Fr. Barron wrote a piece for the Washington Post concerning Libya and the Just War Tradition. Definitely worht a read.

Dear Doomed Christian,

RomeCirca 66 AD Dear Christian Recruit, Thank you so much for your interest in joining the Church. Your letter was forwarded to me by the former head of the evangelization and recruiting department. Unfortunately, he met a similarly grisly fate… Continue Reading →

Fr. Corapi Accuser A Disgruntled Former Employee?

Santa Cruz Media has released a statement concerning the Fr. Corapi situation. I think it would be an understatement to say that they’re siding with Fr. Corapi. While they don’t name the accuser they call her a disgruntled former employee… Continue Reading →

Bigfoot is Dead!!!

I’m out. I’m done. No more Bigfoot. No more Yeti sightings. No more watching Sasquatch videos. I’m out. I’m turning my back. Bigfoot is dead to me. For years I’ll admit I checked out any videos of the bipedal ape… Continue Reading →

Ultrasound Belt? See Unborn Baby 24/7?

Now here’s something definitely weird and possibly wonderful. It’s kind of an ultrasound belt that expectant mothers could wear that would constantly show their baby. It’s called a PreVue and was featured in the mag Business Insider. This would seem… Continue Reading →

The Courage Of His Convictions

Men. Jobs. So many men find their identity in their jobs. So when a man loses his job it can be tough. It is particularly tough when a man is out of a job for an extended period of time…. Continue Reading →

Gonzaga To Host Vagina Monologues

Gonzaga University for the first time ever will play host to the controversial play The Vagina Monologues. It would appear that some students have been trying for a long time to get the nasty play on campus without success. But… Continue Reading →

Obama Locked Out. Foreshadowing?

President Obama got locked out of the White House. Is it immature and ridiculous to show this video? Absolutely. And no I’m not attempting to use this moment to question his intelligence or fitness to be President. I’ve got thousands… Continue Reading →

Transgenders Want Birth Certificates Changed

This would simply fly in the fact of reality. This would be the crowning achievement of subjective opinion over objective fact. So of course, it’ll probably happen. SF Gate reports: Joann Prinzivalli has gone through a lot to be a… Continue Reading →

13 Slogans for the Previously Anti-War Left

13 New Slogans for the Anti-War Protesters who oddly don’t seem too upset by Obama’s…uhm…kinetic military actions. 1) All We are Saying is Give Bombs a Chance 2)Make Kinetic Military Actions, Not War. 3) We Will Fight Our Country’s Battles… Continue Reading →

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