We Laugh Because We Believe

Month May 2011

Sick. Two Ghouls Cheer Abortion

Check out the whole thing. There’s great joy in Rockford Illinois as three women opted for the ultrasound clinic rather than going into the abortion clinic but it’s also a horror story as two older pro-aborts cheer as women enter… Continue Reading →

Patrick Has Left the 70’s

For the past year Pat’s picture at the Register has made him look a bit…1970’s. Seriously, he looked like Larry from Three’s Company and David Soul’s love child. CMR friend Amy Giglio even emailed Pat to take that horrid picture… Continue Reading →

New Law: No Sex Until Divorce

Fox in Boston is reporting the upside-down-ness of our culture has reached the tipping point. We are now completely mad. For generations, society looked askance at premarital sex. First, that was done away with so there was no shame at… Continue Reading →

NZ: Schools Arrange Secret Abortions

A story is coming out of a New Zealand paper today that schools are procuring abortions for students. The thing is, it goes on here and everywhere. This is what you get from big government schools. You get school “counselors”… Continue Reading →

I Want Some English In My Latin Mass

The Latin Mass is back in the news. On Friday, the Church released the long awaited instruction on the Latin Mass following the ground-breaking issuance of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum. There are many fine analyses of the instruction (here… Continue Reading →

Daniels: I’ll Pick Pro-Choice Condi as VP

As if I needed another reason not to trust Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels. Daniels said yesterday that if given the choice he’d pick Condoleeza Rice as his Vice President. And as impressive as Rice is, she’s pro-choice. Daniels already had… Continue Reading →

Awww. Obama’s Soo Cute Quoting the Bible

How come every time pro-lifers bring up religion we’re shouted down about the separation of church and state. But Obama’s using scripture to make a push for amnesty for illegal aliens is all well and good. And the thing is… Continue Reading →

Greatest Conspiracy Ever – The Resurrection!

Great video about how the evil Church may have started by faking the resurrection. Muhuhahahaha!!!! It’s funny ’cause it’s true. HT The One True Faith

The Scariest Conversation I’ve Ever Heard

Hey Blogger has us back up and running. Hooray! I can ignore my kids and all the work I should be doing to blog. Yes!!! I wrote a piece at the Register last night about a night a few years… Continue Reading →

Success is a Byproduct of Preparation

This has got to be the worst bank robber ever. Note to robbers -perhaps try coming up with a checklist before you get in the getaway car on your way to the bank. 1) Gun?2) Bag to hold money?3) Gas… Continue Reading →

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