We Laugh Because We Believe

Month October 2011

This May Be The End of Herman Cain

Herman Cain went from the high to the low with me in just two days. His answer on abortion on Meet the Press was great. But then he gives this horrendous interview with Wolf Blitzer, saying he would exchange prisoners… Continue Reading →

Did Jesus Die For Klingons Too?

From time to time, a bunch of science types like to get together. And from time to time they like to let the scope of their scientific speculation stray into areas out of their purview. And from time to time,… Continue Reading →

Hilariously Biased “News” About Ave Maria

The Miami New Times wrote an article blasting Ave Maria, the University and the town. It’s actually one of the most hilariously biased ledes I’ve ever read. Marielena Stuart stood in the middle of a quiet street, 120 miles across… Continue Reading →

Mother Lays Down Life For Baby

Stacie Crimm found out she was pregnant. Stacie Crimm found out she had neck and head cancer. She could save herself by killing her baby but she wouldn’t think of it. She refused treatment that would harm her baby. Doctors… Continue Reading →

Tramp Stamp Barbie

The good news is that any kid with this doll is like sending up a flare to Child Services that an intervention might be warranted. The Week reports: Barbie, Mattel’s iconic doll, has seen and done a lot in her… Continue Reading →

Some More Bad Lip Reading

I think I like this Romney better than the real one.

Herman Cain Sings Lennon’s “Imagine.”

I don’t know if this makes Herman Cain a shoe-in for the Presidency or disqualifies him completely. But it’s awesome. Let’s see Mitt Romney do this! HT Free Republic

Yes! I’m a Social Justice Catholic

How awesome is this? I’m a social justice Catholic. I’m thinking about quitting my job and Occupying some main thoroughfare in my town now. Here’s why. I’ve had a yard sign on my front lawn this entire school year pushing… Continue Reading →

Catholic School Principal Put “On Leave”

This really annoys me. Just want to run a quick compare and contrast of two stories. A Catholic school principal has been put “on leave” and is in danger of losing his job for allowing students to use 40 Days… Continue Reading →

Corn Maze For Blondes


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