Were I to say to any man between the age of 18 to 60, “Leave the gun, take the canoli,” I would venture to say that 99% would know exactly what I was taking about. Don’t you? Of course, I… Continue Reading →
It’s pretty well known that former Congressman Steve Driehaus is suing the Susan B. Anthony List for allegedly lying about his record as a “pro-life” politician. The SBA-List accused Driehaus in a series of ads that he voted for federal… Continue Reading →
The 89 yr old Lady Trumpington let this young whipper snapper know what she thinks of him suggesting that she looks “old.” (Warning: Awesome Two Finger Salute)
This is the text of a letter from a principal of an elementary school. I shouldn’t even have to comment on this. Pure lunacy speaks for itself. Global Toronto has the letter: Dear Parents/Guardians: These past few weeks, we have… Continue Reading →
What could possibly go wrong with a bill that had in its name “Religious Freedom Protection?” It sounds like something Catholics and Christians across this fruited plain should embrace, right? Well remember when Illinois passed the “Religious Freedom Protection and… Continue Reading →
There are some movies that are just so bad that you will never forget them. No matter how much you try. Matt and I count these among some of the worst movies we have ever seen. In no particular order…. Continue Reading →
This just about says it all.
So if you had told me a month ago that a pro-life Catholic man was looking strong for the GOP nomination I would’ve thought that Santorum’s campaign caught fire or Governor Bobby Jindal entered the race. But alas neither of… Continue Reading →
I am going bonkers. I am now just a few days away from the marathon for which I have been preparing for the last six months. My training is done, I can get no fitter. The hay is in the… Continue Reading →
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