We Laugh Because We Believe

Year 2011

Hopenchange: Arab Spring Gas Chamber Edition

Remember all that talk a few months ago about an Arab spring when Egyptians through off the shackles of the Mubarek regime? Green shoots of democracy they told us. Turns out those green shoots were Jew killing weeds. Just days… Continue Reading →

Biden: ‘I Fully Understand’ China’s One Child Policy

Vice President Joe Biden again mistakenly tells the truth. Biden, speaking in China yesterday, says he understands their need for forced sterilizations and forced abortions, according to The Weekly Standard. I’m warning you -hold onto your lunch. It gets worse… Continue Reading →

Stop Looking at Obama’s Job Approval #’s

Liberal political pundits along with the media are scrambling for a silver lining to President Obama’s plummeting poll numbers. And here’s what they’ve come up with -the Sally Field defense. Hey, some are saying, Obama’s sagging job approval numbers don’t… Continue Reading →

Qaddafi’s Days (Mins) Are Numbered. Now What?

Reports have abounded around the Internet Sunday night. By the time you read this, things may or not have significantly changed. But the situation, as it seems right now is that Libyan rebels have been continually pushing back loyalist troops… Continue Reading →

Kids Remember Nothing

Tonight my son asked me when we were eating dinner. It was 7:30 p.m. He’d honestly forgotten that I made dinner and he’d eaten it. So I reminded him what we’d eaten and he seemed pretty o.k. with it after… Continue Reading →

Pic Of The Week

Nuns from New York belonging to Sisters of Life, a female Roman Catholic religious order, fix a poster with the image of Jesus Christ after hanging it up on the wall in an improvised chapel at a sports stadium in… Continue Reading →

So…Is Palin Running?

Watch this video and let me know if you think Sarah’s running? I’m thinking yeah. HT Gateway Pundit

Hatred of Priest Saves a Life

If you’re a reader of this blog you’ve seen a few stories about videos about the abortion clinic in Rockford, Illinois which is a pretty sick place. For the past few months, every time the ultrasound truck attempts to park… Continue Reading →

Rodents of Unusual Size?

A giant South American rodent weighing at least 100 pounds was spotted at a waste-water treatment facility in California recently before disappearing in the brush, says Reuters. And the Dread Pirate Roberts said he didn’t believe they existed. I guess… Continue Reading →

Totally Premature Yet Fun Veep Speculation

Ok. Assuming, and I know it is assuming a lot, but assuming that Gov. Rick Perry gets the GOP presidential nod, who should be be his veep? There are some strong candidates out there who bring various things to the… Continue Reading →

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