We Laugh Because We Believe

Month May 2012

Dinosaurs Passing Gas Caused Climate Change?

This is just priceless. The politicization of science grows increasingly humorous. Some scientists are now claiming that dinosaurs passing wind may have caused climate change. Oy! And Ewwww! The UK Telegraph reports: Huge plant-eating dinosaurs may have produced enough greenhouse… Continue Reading →

Two Pro-Life Victories

I feel like sometimes we end up reporting lots of bad news. So here’s some good news. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has signed a bill that will cut off public funding for organizations that perform abortions. “This is a common… Continue Reading →

Human or Superhuman?

Just a shameless plug for my latest piece at the National Catholic Register.  The subject is a difficult one: human genetic engineering.  It is an important topic and I am glad the Register decided to publish it, thereby introducing their… Continue Reading →

Outrage!! Georgetown Chooses Sebelius For Commencement

Georgetown University has taken sides against the Catholic Church, there is no other way to interpret it. While the US Catholic Bishops are pulling out all the stops trying to repeal the anti-Catholic and anti-Constitutional HHS Mandate requiring Catholic institutions… Continue Reading →

Do NOT Mess with Planned Parenthood

Susan G. Komen almost cut off funding to Planned Parenthood. They relented under enormous pressure. But that’s not good enough for pro-abortion Catholic Joe Biden who’s turning his back on Komen. And while Biden sometimes says things on his own,… Continue Reading →

Pic: The Team That Killed Osama

This was just too funny not to post. HT I Own the World

We’re Told 6 Reasons Why Christians Should Support Abortion

Harry Knox, Interim Executive Director of Integrity USA, the voice of LGBT Episcopalians and their allies, was the founding director of the Human Rights Campaign’s Religion and Faith Program and was appointed by President Obama to the President’s Council on… Continue Reading →

When Conservatives “Attack.”

Only to a leftist is not giving someone your money an attack. UK’s Daily Mail reports this story with some pretty loaded language. The conservative group One Million Moms has launched an attack on JCPenney for featuring a lesbian couple… Continue Reading →

Tear Jerker of the Day

Oh boy. This is a tough one to get through. A 12 year old kid was always a big fan of the Marines. Now, this kid, mind you, is tough. John Wayne tough. (And please don’t comment how the Duke… Continue Reading →

Gay Need Not Apply?

There were two stories the other about gay men that caught my attention, one in the political world and one in the Catholic world. In different ways I believe these stories to be instructive about how we should treat actual… Continue Reading →

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