Well, this is just so stupid. A Cathedral in Italy has banned a traditional Nativity scene because it is distracting from the real meaning of Christmas, or something. Must get rid of those distracting old traditions, they are like way… Continue Reading →
I’m strongly considering pulling my kids out of school and heading down to D.C. for the March for Life this year. The last few years I just felt like my smallest was a little too young. But now she’s four… Continue Reading →
The way they tell it, Roe v. Wade is all about the right to choose. Choose what? Abortion of course. But now the pro-aborts are steaming that a lawyer has the temerity that it also allows someone to choose life…. Continue Reading →
Might you do me a favor? Today at the National Catholic Register I opine about the natural and Christian justice that sometimes accompanies a good Christian smack in the head. I would be ever so grateful if you would take… Continue Reading →
In 1894, a four year old boy was playing near the icy waters of the River Inn in Passau, Germany. The young boy fell into the river and was drowning when another boy, Johann Kuehberger, leapt into the river and… Continue Reading →
Not that it really matters at the end of the day, but a voter counter suggests that a counting mistake may have given Romney the win. DES MOINES, Iowa — Caucus night was chaotic in many places, with hundreds of… Continue Reading →
I was speaking with a friend on the phone yesterday from college. He’s kinda’ pro-life but not passionate about it and fiscally conservative but not very religious. He’s a little squishy, if you know what I mean. In short, he… Continue Reading →
Somebody tell me how Pat Robertson is not wandering around a dog track with his name and return address pinned to his sweater? The televangelist kook has once again claimed that God has told him the future. This time, the… Continue Reading →
I find it hard to believe I am writing these words. But the following is an excerpt from a column extolling the virtues of Rick Santorum written by, are you sitting down? George Will. They (ordinary Republicans) crave fun. Supporting… Continue Reading →
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