We Laugh Because We Believe

Month November 2015

Now, a Catholic High School Can’t Pray Before Football Game

The Jamestown Sun reports that America is officially anti-Christian. No, that’s not what they reported. It’s just ACTUALLY what they reported. FARGO — Attorneys for Shanley High School say the private Catholic school here has the constitutional right to announce… Continue Reading →

Politico Fabricates Story To Make it Look Like Ben Carson Lied

Rush is calling it a “high-tech lynching,” resurrecting that phrase from the Clarence Thomas hearings. And make no mistake, it is. Carson’s entire candidacy is based on his character so that’s where the media is going to attack. It’s funny… Continue Reading →

Obama Administration Threatens School Funding in War on Gender

We have been told that anti-transgender nutjobs won the day in Houston by running a fear mongering campaign that distorted the truth. We were told that a commercial showing a man in a girl’s bathroom was a misleading scare tactic…. Continue Reading →

Doctor in England Suspended For Gender Selective Surgery. Which Never Ever Happens

I thought we were told this never happens. Y’know, just like partial birth abortion never happens, sex selection abortions never happen either. I love how the pro-aborts always fight something from becoming illegal even though they argue that it never… Continue Reading →

Gays Petition NFL To Take Super Bowl Out of Houston

Gays and lesbians petitioned the NFL to punish Houston for voting down the HERO ordinance by taking away the Super Bowl in 2017. You might imagine this held great weight with the NFL because you know when you think of… Continue Reading →

Houston Says Men and Women are Different, Boycotts and Court Cases Will Ensue

They’re already calling for a boycott. Soon, I’m sure there will be a court case. And they’re calling conservatives names. So pretty much what happens any time people act sane in this country anymore. So the HERO ordinance went down… Continue Reading →

Chris Christie’s Viral Video on What It Means to be Pro-Life

This speech is about addiction. It’s very very good. I’m no Christie fan but this is pretty moving. He talks about addiction and about the need to help those facing it. *subhead*Impressive.*subhead*

College Student Goes on Hunger Strike Over Cancellation of Planned Parenthood Contract

This is the kind of story where, as a Catholic, I have to remind myself that all life is sacred. All. Even the really really stupid ones. And if a grad student who goes on a hunger strike partly in… Continue Reading →

College Prof You Have No Right to More Than One Child

A philosophy professor at Bowdoin College, Sarah Conly, really misses China’s One-Child policy. I mean, really misses it. She even wrote a book called “One Child: Do We Have a Right to More.” I’m not going to buy that book… Continue Reading →

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