We Laugh Because We Believe

Month April 2018

Alfie Evans Graned Italian Citizenship

Wow. Didn’t see this coming. I hope this changes things. The Daily Star reports: The 23-month-old has been granted citizenship in the hope that he can be taken to a hopsital in Rome for treatment, according to Italy’s Foreign Ministry…. Continue Reading →

Abandoning blogs for Facebook, Twitter was a Mistake

Facebook is great for keeping family and friends connected. Twitter is great for breaking news. But the abandonment of the blogosphere by conservatives and Christians as tools of evangelization or advocacy has been a major mistake. John Hinderaker of Powerline… Continue Reading →

Hillary: “THEY Were Never going to let me be president.”

Hillary: “They were never going to let me be president” I agree if by “they” she means the American people. I mean seriously, GIVE ME A BREAK HERE. Like there was some grand conspiracy by the he-man woman haters club… Continue Reading →

How do pro-choicers argue death for Alfie Evans?

I’m puzzled by those who seek to deny Alfie Evans’ family the right to remove him from the hospital which wants to remove his breathing tube to take him to another hospital which wants to attempt to keep the child… Continue Reading →

REPORT CARD: Deceitful College Names; Homeschools Feeding Vocations; and More…

Catholic-sounding labels can be deceitful Don’t be fooled by some institutions claiming a “Catholic tradition” or even some level of “Catholic identity,” said Patrick Reilly, president of The Cardinal Newman Society, in a piece in LifeSiteNews.com about Dominican University’s decision… Continue Reading →


Why in this age of connectivity do so many feel so disconnected? Why, in this time where we are so available to one another, are we not present to one another? *subhead*Put Your Blurb Here.*subhead*

Cory Booker Grills Mike Pompeo over Gay Marriage

Get it in your head. Christians have no place at all in public office. You see, the fact that Mike Pompeo, who is nominated for Secretary of State, consistently says he would treat everyone fairly and with respect, that’s not… Continue Reading →

This is funny.

My idiot brother made this. He takes credit for all my jokes so I’m proving I’m the bigger person by acknowledging his authorship. But Zuckerberg is really like super creepy. *subhead*Heh.*subhead*

Dear Archbishop Chaput, This is not how one becomes a Cardinal

Dear Archbishop Chaput, this does not help one become a Cardinal in today’s Church. Just sayin’. CatholicPHilly.com: The archdiocese announced Sunday, April 8 the decision of Archbishop Charles Chaput to establish a “quasi-parish” at St. Mary Church in Conshohocken, effective… Continue Reading →

Mark Zuckerberg, who is totally not a robot, offers no guarantee to pro-lifers

Nothing to worry about here. Talking about hate speech, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who is definitely not a robot, says he wouldn’t WANT pro-lifers to be silenced. Hey, if it happens so be it, right? He offers no guarantee. He… Continue Reading →

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