Catholic-sounding labels can be deceitful

Don’t be fooled by some institutions claiming a “Catholic tradition” or even some level of “Catholic identity,” said Patrick Reilly, president of The Cardinal Newman Society, in a piece in about Dominican University’s decision to host outgoing Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards.
Dominican University has now declared itself “non-denominational,” but it still claims a “Catholic tradition.” #whateverthatmeans
“Labels can be deceitful,” said Reilly. “We’ve seen time and again that without total commitment, Catholic identity can become a mask to hide confusion, dissent, and immorality.”
Speaking specifically about Dominican’s decision to host Richards, he said, “There’s no place at any academic institution – Catholic or otherwise – for advocacy that promotes killing innocent people, especially when the speaker is personally responsible for thousands of deaths. This is appalling, and academic freedom is not an adequate defense.”

Catholic homeschools feeding religious vocations

A new study from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University (CARA) reports that young men with a homeschool background are four times more likely to enter seminaries than those educated in Catholic institutions, reports Seton Magazine.
According to the study, eight percent of seminarians on their way to ordination had homeschooled for seven years. In fact, 10 of 47 seminarians at Philadelphia’s St. Charles Borromeo Seminary come from a homeschool background. These numbers are especially amazing considering there are only about 100,000 Catholic homeschool students compared to the 2 million educated in Catholic schools.
“We often don’t understand the historical importance of a movement while it is still young, but a generation from now we will look back and see Catholic homeschooling as partly responsible for keeping the Church vibrant in the United States, Draper Warren, admissions director at Seton Home Study School. “Vocations are just one of the many fruits of homeschooling.”

Please continue reading at the Cardinal Newman Society.

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