We Laugh Because We Believe

Month March 2021

Priests Vow to Defy Vatican, Vow to Bless Same-Sex Couples

But the Vatican is busy stamping out the scourge of the Latin Mass.

My Memory is Full

My five kids and I were lazing in the living room. You’d think there’d be a lot of noise but it’s completely quiet. I’m typing on my keyboard, my two oldest are texting their friends, my 12 year old is… Continue Reading →

Celebrating Perversity

The Grammys were the Grammys. The music industry is no longer about music. It’s about monetizing “cool.” In the movie Almost Famous, the character Lester Bangs said the music business isn’t about music as it has morphed into “an industry… Continue Reading →

Elton John Calls Out Vatican for Hypocrisy.

Elton’s got a point. “How can the Vatican refuse to bless gay marriages because they ‘are sin’, yet happily make a profit from investing millions in ‘Rocketman’ – a film which celebrates my finding happiness from my marriage to David??… Continue Reading →

Do You See the Invisible Monster?

If there was an invisible monster destroying people’s lives that only you could see, wouldn’t it be incumbent on you to point it out every time you saw it? Wouldn’t you tell people where it was and where it was… Continue Reading →

The 3 Stages of Nicodemus

We see Nicodemus three times in the gospel of John. The first time we see him, Nicodemus, a rich man, comes to see Jesus at night to question Him. Why? Probably because he doesn’t want to be seen with Him…. Continue Reading →

Everyone knows it’s Crazy but Crazy is in charge.

The goal is to make you think you’re the outlier, the problem. That’s what the media tells you, that’s what they’re teaching our children, and that’s what many in the government want you to think. But when I go out… Continue Reading →

On Catholic Radio Discussing the Pro-Life Movement and “American Antigone.”

I was on In His Sign Catholic Radio discussing the pro-life movement and my pro-life novel “American Antigone.” Great conversation. If you want to listen, click here. Thanks.

Lent, Van Halen, and Sainthood

One of my kids asked why no meat on Fridays or why should we be giving up something for Lent. In response I told him a story about the rock group Van Halen. Van Halen had a stipulation in their… Continue Reading →

There’s God in Them Moments

There’s an older woman at my parish. She attends daily morning Mass, leads the rosary, and heads up half the committees. She’s the one you ask to pray for a sick relative and you feel better because now you’re sure… Continue Reading →

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