Follow the logic here. A congresswoman is saying that not enough women have access to abortion due to the Hyde Amendment prohibiting funding abortions for poor women. But then she says that the government should finance abortions but adds that… Continue Reading →
You’d think that progressives who say they’re pro-women’s rights would question themselves when their policies clearly have created a gender imbalance with baby girls being aborted at alarming rates in some countries. They’re against it but they don’t even know… Continue Reading →
You know how the federal government always says that while they support Planned Parenthood with millions of bucks you shouldn’t worry because none of that money goes to abortion. What a horrible joke that is. And we all know it…. Continue Reading →
John Hawkins is a little fed up (as am I) of all this “truce” talk on social issues. I guess we’re expected to let our Republican leaders deal with really important things like the economy and jobs. Hooey, says I…. Continue Reading →
I loved this one from Michael Voris. He nailed this one.
Well this is different. A crisis pregnancy center is offering coupons for a free pizza with a visit to a crisis pregnancy center. But as odd as it is, maybe it’ll save a life because that’s what CPC’s do. They… Continue Reading →
This has to be one of the most unintentionally funny pieces ever written by a news organization. If you want to know why the mainstream media is dying, check this out. CBS News certainly believes they have the goods on… Continue Reading →
Pretty funny but then very moving:
Bonne Erbe of US News and World Report was attempting to discredit Alveda King calling her tacky and other precious names for being pro-life. Classy, huh? King compared abortion to racism and incurred the wrath of liberal columnists everywhere. But… Continue Reading →
The most liberal show on television just got more liberal. The “conservative” co-host said in an interview that sure she thinks abortion is killing a human but that doesn’t mean it should be illegal. Yahoo reports: Hasselbeck, who campaigned with… Continue Reading →
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