We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag Abortion

New Pro-Life App for Priests

Who would have thought that us medieval religious types would embrace technology so much. I love how the pro-life movement is embracing technology and new media. I love the work of LifeNews.com and LifeSiteNews.com who do incredible work on the… Continue Reading →

How Bad An Abortuary Do You Have To Be?

Wow. How bad do you have to be for Planned Parenthood to distance itself from you? That’s got to be like getting kicked out of Guns and Roses or getting booted out of Congress for ethics violations. I mean, Planned… Continue Reading →

Patricia Neal, Pro-Life Advocate RIP

Patricia Neal, the famous actress passed away from lung cancer yesterday. Patricia Neal was a great actress and became a strong Catholic pro-life advocate as an adult. When Neal was young she fell in love and had an extended affair… Continue Reading →

Graham Voted for Kagan Because of…Jesus?

Lindsey Graham is saying that Jesus’ Golden rule inspired him to vote “yes” for partial birth abortion zealot Elena Kagan. What? Maybe he should’ve also read the part of the Bible that says something like “Thou Shall not Kill.” I… Continue Reading →

When “Hi Mommy” is Scary!!!!!!!!!!

Time Magazine is covering what they call the “abortion wars.” And they choose to investigate one side particularly closely based on a documentary coming out by the makers of the anti-Christian doc “Jesus Camp.” Can you guess which side they’re… Continue Reading →

News Can’t Decide Between Fetus or Baby

This is a news story coming out of the Philipinnes remarkable to me only to show what lengths we’ll go to in order to avoid truth…and yet it still comes out: A garbage collector could not help but express his… Continue Reading →

Pelosi Can’t Say if Unborn Jesus Had Right to Life

Nancy Pelosi is an embarrassment to herself, to Catholics, and to Congress. You’re not going to believe what she just said or more accurately what she couldn’t say because it might impede her support of the sacrament of abortion or… Continue Reading →

Is This Disorderly Conduct Outside Clinic?

A pro-lifer was arrested for disorderly conduct outside an abortion clinic in Chicago, home of the “Bubble zone.” The video certainly doesn’t seem to show any disorderly conduct or any approach by pro-lifer Joe Holland towards anyone. In fact, he’s… Continue Reading →

Big Abortion Isn’t Having the Recession They Hoped For

Awww! The poor things at Big Abortion seemed so thrilled the economy had taken a turn for the worse. According to the media, abortion clinics seemed thrilled to predict while many industries suffered from bleak economic indicator s, the abortion… Continue Reading →

Pro-Life Censorship in School?

David Hudson writes writes for the First Amendment Center about a young girl who told by her school to remove a t-shirt that had a pro-life message on it. A dress-code dispute over an anti-abortion T-shirt will head to trial… Continue Reading →

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