We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag anti-Catholic

Are Two Jews Too Many of the Court?

Are Two Jews Too Many of the Supreme Court? Though Jews make up only a minuscule percentage of the population of America they have two justices sitting on the highest court in the land. But it might not be all… Continue Reading →

Oh No! They Blew Hitler’s Head Off

They finally did it. The media piled on so many mentions of “Hitler Youth” into their “objective” news stories at such an obscene rate that they actually broke our expensive machinery and sent shards of little Hitler pieces all over… Continue Reading →

Spoilers for Angels and Demons

OK. Here’s a major major spoiler for the new movie “Angels and Demons.” Ready? IT’S ANTI-CATHOLIC! Yeah. Yeah. I know that Ron Howard said Angels and Demons is not anti-Catholic. But we all know it is. So now, because he’s… Continue Reading →

Wanda Sykes vs. Hitler Youth

So Wanda Sykes wishes kidney failure and death on conservative Rush Limbaugh and President Obama guffaws. And that was this weekend. You’d think that would be a pretty big news story, right? As of 4 p.m. that’s got less than… Continue Reading →

Nominee for the Anti-Catholic Award for 2009!

We here at the CMR Institute know anti-Catholicism. In our traveling around the blogosphere seeking out stories for you ungrateful louts we see it far more often than we should. Now, I knew that Pope Benedict’s visit to Israel would… Continue Reading →

Vatican Newspaper Does Rope-a-Dope

Ron Howard has been trying to pick a fight with the Catholic Church for weeks, saying boo-hoo the mean old Catholic Church wouldn’t let me film in their churches and complaining that they tried to stop the premiere of the… Continue Reading →

Christopher Buckley Mocks Church

Christopher Buckley, the Obama loving publicity seeking son of the great William F. Buckley, writes a 500 word snicker about Newt Gingrich becoming a Catholic, the Catholic Church, and conversion in general in his piece “The Audacity of Poping” for… Continue Reading →

When Catholics Attack

So Hollywood once again attacks Catholicism and one organization has the temerity to point it out. The Catholic League issues a press release pointing out the mistakes and outright lies being told about the Catholic Church in the upcoming movie… Continue Reading →

Salon: Pope is Sick and Evil

Salon.com had a column today calling a world leader “sick and evil” for “making nice with an anti-semitic Holocaust denier.” And they’re not talking about Barack Obama sending love letters to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. No. Of course they were talking about… Continue Reading →

What Choices Do Parents Have?

Is there a difference between a “banned” book and a book that parents decide they don’t want their children to read? Here’s why I ask: According to the Modesto Bee, a teacher in California assigned a book called “Bless Me,… Continue Reading →

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