This is absolutely hilarious. You all probably know that Sarah Palin had a slip of the tongue and said “North” instead of “South” Korea before correcting it a moment later. Well the media treated this as the top story of… Continue Reading →
How can CBS News explain this photoshopped picture? What possible explanation could they have? Accompanying their election coverage on their website, CBS published this photoshopped picture of a half black/half white President Obama with Republicans and Democrats on either side… Continue Reading →
I was going to put this on our links page (The Reader) but it’s just too priceless. Too perfect. It says it all. Katie Couric’s producer says the reason nobody watches her is because she’s stuck behind a desk but… Continue Reading →
The media is embarrassing itself over Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell. By pointing out how dumb they believe these two conservative women to be this week the media has only pointed out how dumb and how low they’ll go to… Continue Reading →
CMR friend Matthew Balan watches CNN just so he can uncover these priceless anti-Catholic gems for us. I love when CNN talks Catholicism and all things Pope because they always embarrass themselves. Here’s Balan’s story: Predictably, Thursday’s American Morning on… Continue Reading →
This has to be one of the most unintentionally funny pieces ever written by a news organization. If you want to know why the mainstream media is dying, check this out. CBS News certainly believes they have the goods on… Continue Reading →
This is the picture the Washington Post website put up for a piece on Christine O’Donnell: This is a random pic the same paper ran of Nancy Pelosi recently. It’s a good thing the media’s not taking sides, right?
Rick Klein, one of ABC’s top news guys, wrote something on Twitter that many are pointing to as evidence of media bias. Here’s the background- Christine O’Donnell is a pro-life conservative running against pro-choice Mike Castle in Delaware. It’s a… Continue Reading →
Funny, now that Obama can’t seem to get out of Afghanistan the media start making the case for staying. Where was this cover four years ago? Three years ago? Two years ago? What’s changed? Have things changed in Afghanistan? No…. Continue Reading →
An Al Qaeda affiliate based in Yemen has launched a new English-language online magazine that isn’t very fond of Israel, is anti-American, and makes the lives of our radical Islamist enemies a little easier. ABC News is reporting on this… Continue Reading →
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