We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag obama

Obama: “If You Love Me Pass The Bill”

OK. This is more than a little creepy. Ah, conditional love! This is a little too cult of personality for me. HT Weekly Standard

Union Thug Declares War on GOP, Obama Thanks Him

So here’s union thug Jimmy Hoffa declaring war on Republicans and threatening to “take these sons of b#tches out.” And now here’s President Barack “New Civility” Obama taking the stage shortly after. Obama not only ignores what Hoffa outrageously said… Continue Reading →

Stop Looking at Obama’s Job Approval #’s

Liberal political pundits along with the media are scrambling for a silver lining to President Obama’s plummeting poll numbers. And here’s what they’ve come up with -the Sally Field defense. Hey, some are saying, Obama’s sagging job approval numbers don’t… Continue Reading →

This Is Your Team

As I think Barack Obama is destroying this country more effectively than Godzilla took out Tokyo I sat down to watch the debate the other night. As they came out I saw John Huntsman, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty, Rick Santorum,… Continue Reading →

Fmr. Planned Parenthood Director on China’s Forced One Child Policy: “It’s a Start.”

A former Planned Parenthood director and present overpopulation lunatic is saying that Obama’s plan to force all insurance companies to cover contraception and abortifacients without a co-pay is saying it’s just a good start…you know, kinda’ like China’s one-child policy…. Continue Reading →

47% of Americans Certifiably Crazy

It’s official. According to a Gallup poll, 47% of Americans are certifiably insane. It seems that nearly half of Americans believe that the most rudderless, egotistical, man-child with a death fetish that we call President deserves reelection. What?! The only… Continue Reading →

Sr. Keehan Praises HHS Mandatory Contraception Requirement

Sister Carol Keehan of the Catholic Health Association announced this week how pleased she was about the Obama administration’s requirement for all insurance companies to cover contraception without a co-pay. You might remember Keehan from her public displays of affection… Continue Reading →

Mitt’s Gettin’ Love from All the Wrong Places

First, Obama said that he modeled his health care plan on Romney’s. That certainly hasn’t been helping poor Mitt. But today comes another “death hug” as Zip calls it. Radical environmentalist blowhard Al Gore praised Mitt today for his stance… Continue Reading →

Obama’s Abortion Bullying Pays Dividends

President Obama’s threat to Indiana to cut off over $4 billion in Medicaid funding if they refuse to fund Planned Parenthood is paying pro-abortion dividends by scaring other states from voting on pro-life legislation – which is exactly what the… Continue Reading →

7 Reasons Obama is Like Lebron

7 Reasons LeBron is Just Like Obama 1) Both “King James” and the “Obamessiah” were glorified as the greatest without ever actually doing anything. 2) Both tossed their hometown under the bus. Lebron dissed Cleveland pretty hardcore and Obama pretty… Continue Reading →

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