Pro-lifers in New York held a prayer vigil outside a Brooklyn abortuary so, of course, pro-choice protestors protested the protest. Does that make sense? The Brooklyn Pro-Choice Network called in a few nutty groups like Church Ladies for Choice and… Continue Reading →
Laura Bush was a classy first lady. Very likable. But…and this is a big but… I’m not sure it’s cool at all for her to headline a fundraiser for a Catholic church as she is publicly pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage…. Continue Reading →
The catch of the day goes to Denise Hunnell aka Catholic-Mom who found this ad on Craigslist. Hmmm, seems like Big Abortion is getting a bit nervous, huh? Because here’s the thing. It’s money they’ve got and people they don’t…. Continue Reading →
This is a tragic situation all over. It’s ugly. I raise it because it displays rather well to me the weakness of the pro-choice position and I really wonder where many of them would come down on something like this…. Continue Reading →
Pro-aborts really don’t like the moniker of “pro-life” because they fear that poll numbers are shifting against abortion mainly because we have the cooler name. So in their effort to diminish the nomenclature advantage Politics Daily has a piece by… Continue Reading →
What does the Georgetown University administration think they’re teaching their students? A group of pro-choice, pro-birth control Georgetown University students demanded a meeting with the President of the school John J. DeGioia, about two months ago. After receiving no response… Continue Reading →
There’s bad news and good news for all the aging hippie rucksack wandering Dharma bum pro-choice types. First. Hold on to your sandals ’cause here’s the bad news. You might remember that last year a Gallup poll found that for… Continue Reading →
Profanity warning. These pro-abortion grandmas cuss a bit in their little song. But you’ve just got to see this. Hilarious. This is what the pro-abortion movement is down to – Raging grannies. Didn’t Newsweek report that it was the pro-life… Continue Reading →
Senator Jack Reed is one of those “I’m personally pro-life but publicly pro-choice” Senators. But you will never hear a more eloquent defense of a “personally pro-life” stance. I mean it’s like Aquinas and Augustine had a baby together and… Continue Reading →
You know how us Christian types are always trying to shut down science. (Insert evil laugh here) So why is it that we’re the ones always embracing new technology and scientific breakthroughs when it comes to babies in the womb…. Continue Reading →
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