We Laugh Because We Believe

Month March 2012

Think its just in your genes?

I wanted to bring out some of my older work occasionally to expose CMR readers to some of the more pressing issues in biotechnology. One of those issues is the popularity of genetic determinism. Genetic determinism is not only one… Continue Reading →

NYT Ad: Quit The Catholic Church

The New York Times published and ad from the Freedom From Religion Foundation which calls for nominal and liberal Catholics to abandon the Church. The ad asks “Why are you propping up the pillars of a tyrannical and autocratic, woman-hating,… Continue Reading →

I Didn’t Sign Up For This

I’m tired. Are you? We believers, Catholics, Protestant, Jewish and the rest, we are beleaguered. I don’t know about you, I am tired. I am tired of having to defend basic morality as if I am some fringe element. This… Continue Reading →

Will Contraception Fight Help Dems?

It’s been a topic of speculation as to why Obama is pushing the contraceptive mandate on Catholic institutions. Why pick this fight? There’s one school of thought that says President Obama is like the scorpion riding on top of the… Continue Reading →

And Upon This Poll I Will Build My Church

You’ve got to love how all the time, especially now seemingly, opponents of the Church bring up polls that say Catholic women heart contraception by a massive majority. Ergo, the Church should change its “policy.” They bring up polls as… Continue Reading →

Since Sl@t is No Longer Acceptable…

Since the term “sl@t” for women who pronounce they’re having sex and you have to pay for it is no longer acceptable, as has been shown by what will come to be known as the Limbaugh debacle, it seems our… Continue Reading →

Papist Gets The Goods On Lying Lesbo-Fascist

Thomas Peters does a great job of digging into the truth about the lesbo-fascist denied communion at her mother’s funeral. Turns out, she is not even a Catholic. As reported by Newsbusters In a paper for a master’s degree she’s… Continue Reading →

Feminism Has Daddy Issues

Wasn’t feminism supposed to be about empowering women. It was supposed to move women away from being helpless and dependent on men. But now, all these women like Sandra Fluke and others, are cackling that they can’t afford their birth… Continue Reading →

Virginia Gov Signs Ultrasound Bill

Here’s some great news. The governor of Virginia signed a bill demanding that mothers take a gander at the little human they’re intending to kill. The Washington Post reports: Abdominal ultrasounds for women seeking abortions in Virginia will become mandatory… Continue Reading →

Great Vid! Fr. John Hollowell Takes on Cecile Richards

Father John Hollowell takes up Cecile Richards on her offer. And wow. Please watch the whole thing. It’s the most inspiring video you’ll see today. Here comes the Catholic Church!!! HT Deacon Dance

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