This is a wonderful response to life. HT The Blaze *subhead*Wonderful.*subhead*
I have waited to comment on this for a few days to let the facts shake out. It seems that they have shaken out to the maximum degree that the Pope will allow. Is it true that we cannot know… Continue Reading →
The Lifetime channel has announced a new reality show called “The Sisterhood” which will follow five women in a convent as they work through their decision as to whether they should become nuns. Cameras will follow the five women around… Continue Reading →
Senator Rand Paul just pulled a Mike Pence and essentially promised not to pass abortion legislation as president. I get what he’s trying to do here. He’s trying to look reasonable in a very heated debate but here’s the thing… Continue Reading →
Via La Stampa and Google Translate… Paul VI will be beatified in 2014, probably October 19, at the conclusion of the Synod of Bishops. This was revealed by the weekly religious periodical of St. Paul Believe in the number that… Continue Reading →
Several telephone calls have taken place in the context of Pope Francis’ personal pastoral relationships. Since they do not in any way form part of the Pope’s public activities, no information or comments are to be expected from the Holy… Continue Reading →
An Easter message on a public school sign. Insert secularist freakout here. A local news affiliate actually did a story on the sign. Can you believe it? Of course, they located some outraged people. “You’re talking [about] a public school… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Small changes, big effects*subhead* The 21st human chromosome is the smallest of all our chromosomes. It contains a few hundred genes and is only 1% of our total DNA. As most people know, an extra chromosome 21 causes Down Syndrome…. Continue Reading →
Who’d have thought that that a little thing like the internet could transform the greatest country in the history of the world into an army of 24-7 perpetual rage monkeys? Well, it has. Everyone’s offended. All the time. I think… Continue Reading →
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s wife has been involved with crisis pregnancy centers and should therefore recuse himself from ruling on buffer zones around abortion clinics. That’s the argument being offered by Jezebel, the pro-abortion website. A reliable voice against… Continue Reading →
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