The Lifetime channel has announced a new reality show called “The Sisterhood” which will follow five women in a convent as they work through their decision as to whether they should become nuns. Cameras will follow the five women around as they discern through six episodes.
It’s being made by the producers behind “Breaking Amish” – a show which has been accused of exploiting its subjects.
As Breaking Amish seems to be one of the most horrifically exploitative reality shows out there (and that’s saying something) my hopes aren’t high for this one. It should just be called Good Amish girls go bad.
I’m betting there will be some good ol’ fashioned Church-bashing going on here. I’m also wondering which convent would open themselves to something like this.
Over/under on how long it takes for someone to complain that women can’t become priests?
April 25, 2014 at 6:50 am
It's not even on tv and already it has gone south.
Their discernment and formation is "not" for public entertainment or consumption.
One whiff of lifetime network stink will be all it takes.
April 26, 2014 at 2:41 am
The lifetime network approves…whoop-d-sh$t. Does a deeply conscientious spirit approve? Does the convent approve? The Church? It really accepts the dumbest person in the room approach to a deep process. Discernment. Now trivialized like child models, toddlers and tiaras and other BS. Demeaning. Just like the treatment of women in general.
April 26, 2014 at 3:39 am
and what order would allow this?? I am just guessing but probably one of the orders that is on the way out anyway due to no vocations. I could be wrong…..
April 27, 2014 at 2:35 am
The article says the company is looking for a convent. Hmm. I know someone who is involved in making not particularly enlightening reality series… They get the subjects before they sell the show, not after. This sounds fishy to me.