We Laugh Because We Believe

Month June 2022

What is Vatican’s Message with Their Official Logo of Jubilee 2025?

Hmmmm… The Vatican reveals the official Logo of the upcoming Jubilee Year due to be held in 2025 on the theme ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ and reflects on some of the Holy Year’s early initiatives and plans. I stole this from… Continue Reading →

Watch this CNN Anchor Freak Out as Kristen Hawkins States Obvious Biological Fact

To leftists, simple biological facts are like crosses to vampires. Ironically, leftists actually respond the same way to crosses. In fact, what doesn’t piss them off? Watch how insane this CNN anchor gets when Kristen Hawkins of Students for Life… Continue Reading →

John Henry Westen and Michael Matt React to Pope Francis Offering Communion to Pelosi

They’re um…not happy.

Pack the Court, Ignore the Court, End the Filibuster, Build Abortion Clinics on National Parks!!!

You know the moment at the end of Terminator 2 where the evil liquid metal Terminator gets tossed into the lava pit. And in its last desperate attempts to evade its grisly fate, it transmogrifies wildly just trying to keep… Continue Reading →

Newsom Seeks to Make California the Abortion Capitol of the Country

People are fleeing California. It is rapidly becoming a wasteland. Governor Gavin Newsom has a plan. Reform the tax structure to make it easier for businesses to open and thrive? Nah. Punish people for their crimes rather than releasing them… Continue Reading →

Pelosi Receives Communion at Papal Mass.

Many people accuse this pope of sending mixed messages. Well, on this issue he’s coming across pretty clearly. AP: U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi met with Pope Francis on Wednesday and received Communion during a papal Mass in St. Peter’s… Continue Reading →

Some Amazon Employees Want to Punish Pro-Lifers And I’m Completely On Board

I’m kinda’ conflicted here. I think Amazon needs to go down. I think it’s destroying America from the inside out. So when I hear pro-aborts call on Amazon to pull out of pro-life states I’m kinda’ with them. Do it,… Continue Reading →

What the Left Can’t Control It Destroys

So we should take it as good news that they’re still attacking the Catholic Church. That means there’s still hope. If they’re attacking Catholic Churches that means they’re not in complete control yet despite what it may seem like sometimes…. Continue Reading →

No Moore Spiking the Football Guys. It’s Totally Time for Bringing Everyone Together

I have been told by numerous people that we shouldn’t be celebrating the overturning of Roe because now is the time when we need to bring people together. And you know me, I’m ALL about bringing people together. So here’s… Continue Reading →

Arizona Approves Massive School Voucher Program

This really pisses off the leftists who want to indoctrinate your children and the teacher’s unions. (Wait, am I being redundant here?) The Arizona Legislature voted last week to approve the school voucher program, which expands the program to all… Continue Reading →

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