The world’s oldest Nun celebrated her 116th Birthday and revealed her secret to happiness. Daughter of Charity Sister André Randon said the key to happiness is “Pray and drink a cup of chocolate every day.” I guess she forgot to… Continue Reading →
Say, remember that slippery slope we all talked about when the Supreme Court ruled on gay marriage? Well, it turns out it looks something like this: The Utah state senate voted unanimously on Tuesday to effectively decriminalize polygamy among consenting… Continue Reading →
Students at a Catholic school protested the diocesan decision to fire two openly gay teachers. They said they didn’t understand why the Church would do this. Oh, the poor confused students. Hmmmm, if only there were an institution created to… Continue Reading →
When I was active in political campaigns I attended many GOP functions. I was always amazed how little interest many of the donors and committee people were interested in actual issues. They loved talking about numbers and demographics and electability…. Continue Reading →
The NY Times is shaming parents for packing their children’s lunches. Guess why? “… roughly 20 million eligible children, mostly from middle- and upper-middle-class families, continue to opt out of the national program by bringing lunch or by buying special… Continue Reading →
If you’re wondering how to solve all the world’s problems this is probably the link you wanna’ click. This was a lot of fun. Fr. Robert McTeigue and I talked all things current and Catholic on The Station of the… Continue Reading →
The Maid of Orléans will be a focal point of artists for generations to come but most will pale in comparison to William Shakespeare, Mark Twain and the Little Flower I’m pretty sure boasting is not an activity many saints… Continue Reading →
I read a piece in the Washington Examiner saying the pro-life movement is “cool.” And I know it sounds funny but I think it’s actually important. …if the 2020 March for Life is any indicator, it’s an energy that is… Continue Reading →
The National Catholic Register reports that “two major banks withdrew support for a Florida scholarship program this week after deciding that the policies of some participating Christian schools were not sufficiently ‘inclusive’ of LGBT students. So, let me get this… Continue Reading →
Remember Nancy Pelosi said recently, “As a Catholic, I resent your using the word ‘hate’ in a sentence that addresses me. I don’t hate anyone…I was raised in a way that is a heart full of love, and always pray… Continue Reading →
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