By Dr. Brian Kopp It’s been known for years that a large segment of lesbians suffer from PCO (Polycystic Ovaries) and PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). These conditions are a result of Metabolic Syndrome and insulin resistance, which is characterized by… Continue Reading →
Over at OnePeterFive I have an article up detailing the timeline of the commie-crucifix story and how the National Catholic Register willfully chose to publsih and maintain in full knowledge a false narrative about the story for days. It is… Continue Reading →
As part of my ongoing interview with Ann Barnhardt, today we discuss the liturgy. I must say that the answer I got to my question is so outstanding and makes so many excellent points, that I have had to read… Continue Reading →
By Brian Kopp Please take a look at the trajectory of this most recent story On the Pope and the Marxist crucifix. Day 1: Catholic apologists for this pope here and in the mainstream Catholic press and some MSM erroneously… Continue Reading →
Before anyone jumps to conclusions, this is not about Pope Francis but the horrible practice of distributing communion to a million people at these giant Papal Masses. This practice has gone on for a while now under several papacies and… Continue Reading →
So this looks pretty good, eh? *subhead*Trailer.*subhead*
Well, this is not your run of the mill Lesbian DRE fired story! A principal of a Philly Catholic school fired its long-known “married” (since 2007) lesbian DRE when, get this, the lesbian DRE objected to using the theology of… Continue Reading →
Update below…. Shaking my head. What could the Pope possibly be thinking? Below, see an image of the Pope smilingly accepting a gift from the Bolivian Socialist leader of a crucifix in the form of a hammer and sickle. A… Continue Reading →
I have received quite a bit of, ahem, feedback on the Ann Barnhardt interview. Undoubtedly, Ann has her own style, a kick down your door, “What the F— is going on in here?!?” style and that is part of why… Continue Reading →
This is Part IV of my ongoing interview with Ann Barnhardt. In this part we will talk about the Pope. Now I am warning you, Ann uses very strident language to which readers of CMR are probably unaccustomed. Look, I… Continue Reading →
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