Stop right there. Don’t you dare judge MacKenzie Phillips or her father John Phillips. You hear me, you judgemental Christianistas. Of course, you know that Mackenzie Phillips’ claimed on Oprah that her father and she had an incestual consensual relationship… Continue Reading →
Way to stand up for life, Cardinal Mahony. Way to go! Hey, he’s just like Obama. Obama says abortion is above his pay grade. And Cardinal Mahony says it’s “Beyond my field.” The only problem is that Cardinal Mahony is… Continue Reading →
I have great respect for Bishop William F. Murphy of Rockville Centre. But his comment in Catholic News Service irks me. He’s saying that if there is healthcare reform it should include illegal immigrants. We can have that discussion. And… Continue Reading →
My buddy Brad Vasoli wrote in the Philadelphia Bulletin about Dawn Johnson’s nomination to become Assistant Attorney General: President Barack Obama has nominated Dawn Johnson, a law professor with a record of vehement support for abortion, to become assistant attorney… Continue Reading →
Dialogue. It’s a popular word right now. I think it’s partly popular because as long as dialogue continues, nobody has to actually take a stand or make a decision. We can avoid all those messy labels of right and wrong… Continue Reading →
When I first saw this linked from Spirit Daily and clicked the link it sounded like the kind of pro-life video you often see on YouTube. Then I watched it. It’s worth a view to see how hard hardhearted we… Continue Reading →
This is one of the strangest quotes I’ve seen in a news story concerning pro-life murder victim James Pouillon. And to make matters worse it comes from a Baptist pastor. I’m perfectly willing to admit that I’m getting this wrong…. Continue Reading →
For some weird reason the murder of a pro-lifer has given some media and Planned Parenthood an opportunity to discuss all the violence done against abortion clinic workers. Now to be fair, CBS didn’t exhibit any bias in their story… Continue Reading →
Remember the day that the abortionist George Tiller was killed, some folks at the Huffington Post was scouring pro-life sites and looking for comments that were either cavalier about the murder or even condoning it. Well, today I checked out… Continue Reading →
A pro-life protester was shot and killed this morning in front of a Michigan high school. So…where’s the outrage? Remember the day George Tiller was killed? Before we even knew if the murder was abortion related, it was above the… Continue Reading →
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