Time Magazine has called the Freedom of Choice Act a ‘mythical’ bill and then mocks and questions the Catholic Church’s motives for standing up against FOCA with lines like these: The Catholic Crusade Against a Mythical Abortion Bill… The U.S…. Continue Reading →
I guess Time Magazine is still standing behind their Oct. 22, 1965 story which stated: We must recognize that the death of God is a historical event: God has died in our time, in our history, in our existence. Well,… Continue Reading →
Sometimes it’s all so simple. Choosing sides, I mean. There were two questions in recent months that made the media stand up and notice. On the one hand, you’ve got Joe the Plumber who asked presidential candidate Barack Obama why… Continue Reading →
President Obama intentionally initiated a golden age of Biden gaffes for the next few years by throwing his Vice President to the wolves during his national press conference Monday. It’s truly a perfect storm. I’ll explain. It started with Joe… Continue Reading →
The Newsweek/Washington Post blog called “On Faith” is quickly becoming one of my favorite sources of comedy on the internet. The latest from Anthony M. Stevens-Arroyo who runs the “Catholic America” part of the blog says that Nancy Pelosi is… Continue Reading →
We keep being told that this White House transition has been seamless. Every misstep and lie they’re caught in is referred to as a “hiccup” by the media, telling us that it’s not a big deal. Move along. Nothing to… Continue Reading →
So, in an interview with Matt Lauer yesterday, President Barack Obama essentially called Jessica Simpson fat. I’m not kidding. According to Gateway Pundit: During his pre-Super Bowl interview with Matt Lauer Barack Obama joked about Jessica Simpson’s weight. LAUER: And… Continue Reading →
Salon.com had a column today calling a world leader “sick and evil” for “making nice with an anti-semitic Holocaust denier.” And they’re not talking about Barack Obama sending love letters to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. No. Of course they were talking about… Continue Reading →
This is truly one of the clearest examples of media bias I’ve seen in a long time…at least since last week, anyway. President Barack Obama walks into a window because he thought it was a door. If the media had… Continue Reading →
So this must be the new age of bipartisanship everyone’s talking about. The only thing Obama left out was the Touchdown Shuffle. Now, just imagine yourself that George W. Bush had said this to congressional Democrats. The screams of indignation… Continue Reading →
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