We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag ufo

Catholics Discriminated Against UFO Cult

OK. Stories don’t get crazier than this. Alright maybe the whole thing with thousands of birds falling dead out of the sky in Arkansas is a bit crazier but only by a little bit. This news story concerning a Catholic… Continue Reading →

Crop Circles Explained by Stoned Wallabies

So all day long everyone has been talking about the death of Jacko and the cap and trade deal in Congress. But much more stunning news has flown in under everyone’s radar. And this is really important news. For years,… Continue Reading →

Fired Priest Isn’t Going Quietly

A long time ago when I was much younger and not well behaved (at all) and still drinking (a lot), my college friends and I got a touch out of control and we got kicked out of a bar. The… Continue Reading →

Bomb Threat Over Priest Removal

You might remember Father Peter Kennedy who was pulled from his Australian parish but refused to leave because he’s too busy blessing homosexual couples, allowing women to preach, and selling books that questioned the divinity of Jesus. You might also… Continue Reading →

Priest Compares Self to Jesus, UFO Cult Rallies To his Cause

OK. There are two ways that Father Peter Kennedy should’ve known that he was on the wrong side of his argument with the Catholic Church. 1) He resorted to comparing himself to Jesus. 2)A UFO cult came to his aid…. Continue Reading →

Why Were UFO’s at the Inauguration?

So lots of folks out there are pretty disturbed by a UFO attending the Inaugural. CMR thinks there are several reasonable explanations: 10) They were actually looking for Dennis Kucinich but he was wearing his tinfoil hat so he couldn’t… Continue Reading →

England Proves Chesterton Right…Again

Would it be a surprise to GK Chesterton that as faith dwindles in his homeland, belief in the supernatural would soar? OK. Let me thumb through my mental index of Chesterton quotes which every good Catholic blogger has handy for… Continue Reading →

Vatican: It’s OK to Believe in Aliens

Vatican: It’s OK to Believe in Aliens. That’s the headline. Believing that the universe may contain alien life does not contradict a faith in God, the Vatican’s chief astronomer said in an interview published in the Associated Press. The Rev…. Continue Reading →

Kucinich Sees UFO – I’m Not Kidding

I knew Dennis Kucinich was crazy but…I had no idea he was this crazy. So kudos to all Democrats who knew enough not to give him any support in the Democratic Primary. The eternally loopy Shirley Maclaine in her new… Continue Reading →

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