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Fox News reports: A group of Louisiana State University football fans whose admiration for the Tigers is second only to their love for Jesus is outraged after the school digitally erased the tiny crosses they painted on their bare upper… Continue Reading →
So you see on lib sites like the HuffPo that there’s a “new national survey” that shows Obama is once again spanking Romney like a naughty child among Catholics. And you say “Oy” because that’s what Catholics say when they… Continue Reading →
Is President Obama and the Democrat Party’s support for same sex “marriage” going to affect the vote? As you’ve probably seen in polls, African-Americans by and large don’t really truck with the notion of gay marriage. The Daily Caller is… Continue Reading →
This is disgusting. New York City Council is seeking to provide escorts for women entering abortion clinics. Presumably, taxpayer money will fund this operation at some level. A number of pro-lifers protested this plan over the weekend. The clinic president… Continue Reading →
Clearly, Nevadans are a bunch of misogynistic pigdogs. Sandra Fluke (or as Dennis Miller calls her “Moan of Arc”) spoke in prime time at the Democrat’s National Convention and is now out on the campaign trail for President Obama. So… Continue Reading →
This is just hilarious. And sad. Lawrence O’Donnell of NBC challenges Tagg Romney to a fight. Yup. A fight. And he makes fun of his name. It’s cringeworthy but hilarious. *subhead*Haaahahaa.*subhead*
The New York Times knows what women want. In a laughably absurd editorial, the New York Times, along with all the government owned media, is desperate to derail the Mitt train and they are willing to throw their credibility on… Continue Reading →
If this protest of Romney were made to make fun of protests of Romney it would actually be kinda’ funny. But sadly, that is not what’s going on here. These people are actually pretending to protest Romney’s comment about “binders.”… Continue Reading →
So far I have not been able to find online the remarks of Cardinal Dolan, but I promise I will add them when they are available. Our friend Tom Peters was there tonight for which we are profoundly jealous, so… Continue Reading →
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