Sad sad times for jolly ol’ England. A number of doctors have said that fat people, smokers and old people should be barred from receiving care because they’re fat old smokers. So essentially if you’re perfectly healthy you can get… Continue Reading →
You know the show Family Guy. It’s essentially a funny/distasteful half hour animated sitcom made to make you cringe and laugh. I’ve never seen a whole episode. But, recently Fox refused to air an abortion themed episode of the animated… Continue Reading →
The words freedom, rights, and liberty are often abused and end up encompassing competing (even mutually exclusive) ideals. Somehow we’ve gotten these words confused. And the confusion has had horrific consequences. I think we can all agree that nobody is… Continue Reading →
Everyone knows that rationing will occur under ObamaCare. It’s inevitable. The country simply can’t afford the government to take this on without at some point saying refusing certain treatments. Stories of rationing have come from all over Canada and England…. Continue Reading →
What a world we live in where the media doesn’t even know what to call the unborn. Check out the headlines at a local newspaper called the Bennington Banner: Unborn children are killed in head-on Route 7 crash. But the… Continue Reading →
I am a Fishy-American. And this is my fishy blog. That’s right. I’m pronouncing it here and now. Consider this my John Hancock. The White House is asking snitches to report anything fishy: “If you get an email or see… Continue Reading →
Babies are the problem. And American babies are the worst. As if liberals weren’t doing enough to limit the number of babies, now a new study is saying that babies may just be the death of us all doe to… Continue Reading →
Michael Sean Winters of America Magazine concludes that President Obama is either really really stupid or a weak executive. OK. He didn’t really say it in those words but it’s all right there for the discerning eye. Sean Winters writes… Continue Reading →
According to Hollywood Today, a new show coming out in the Fall called “Defying Gravity” is about astronauts preparing for a lengthy mission. One interesting note: Like The Office, Defying Gravity is filmed documentary-style. With personal cameras in their quarters… Continue Reading →
Ready for some logic? No? Me neither. So you’ll enjoy this piece I read today in The Student Operated Press, which claims about 300,000 hits per month. The column’s entitled A New Epoch for Evolution. Right away I figured this… Continue Reading →
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