Make believe presidential candidate and reality television personality Donald Trump is making news again -this time by talking about the issue of gay marriage. I’m not sure what it is he’s saying here but this, I’m pretty sure, accurately reflects… Continue Reading →
Laura Bush was a classy first lady. Very likable. But…and this is a big but… I’m not sure it’s cool at all for her to headline a fundraiser for a Catholic church as she is publicly pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage…. Continue Reading →
The Obama administration will no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court. This is bad. President Obama, in a major legal policy shift, has directed the Justice Department to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act — the… Continue Reading →
A gay rights groups doesn’t like the new Confession App for helping people prepare to confess their sins. In fact, they’re furious over it. Now that I’m thinking about it, have you read anything about a gay rights group in… Continue Reading →
Last week I said that weddings being held at McDonalds was a perfect metaphor for our time. Well, this is a more perfecter metaphor for our time. Reuters: Chen Wei-yih has posed for a set of photos in a flowing… Continue Reading →
When the Republican Party held their first convention in 1856 the delegates adopted a platform stating “It is the duty of Congress to prohibit in the territories those twin relics of barbarism, polygamy and slavery.” What I find most amazing… Continue Reading →
John Hawkins is a little fed up (as am I) of all this “truce” talk on social issues. I guess we’re expected to let our Republican leaders deal with really important things like the economy and jobs. Hooey, says I…. Continue Reading →
Because Americans don’t know what to think until the guy who starred in “Footloose” tells them what to think, the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights organization, is sponsoring ads in New York to urge people to support gay marriage…. Continue Reading →
This is absolutely hilarious that they think this will work. Not only would we have to drink the Kool-Aid to accept this, the Kool-Aid would have to be spiked with lots and lots of grain alcohol. The California legislature just… Continue Reading →
The most liberal show on television just got more liberal. The “conservative” co-host said in an interview that sure she thinks abortion is killing a human but that doesn’t mean it should be illegal. Yahoo reports: Hasselbeck, who campaigned with… Continue Reading →
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