This shouldn’t come as a surprise I guess but a writer at the Frum Forum is arguing that being pro-life is akin to being pro-rape. Yup. Jeb Golinkin of the Frum Forum writes: Two candidates can win Patty Murray’s Senate… Continue Reading →
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom had made two moves of note in the past year. He declared his city a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants and now just today Hot Air reports: Coca-Cola is out, and soy milk is now… Continue Reading →
The award for most shameless use of religious imagery in an effort to garner political power goes to…well Barack Obama. But the National Association of Latino Elected Officials comes in a close second with this stunt. The Washington Post is… Continue Reading →
The headline screams “Catholic Church gives D.C. ultimatum” and the D.C. city council accuses the Church of threats, and blackmail and harming the poor. If you read the Washington Post story today you’d never know that the D.C. City Council… Continue Reading →
Remember the day that the abortionist George Tiller was killed, some folks at the Huffington Post was scouring pro-life sites and looking for comments that were either cavalier about the murder or even condoning it. Well, today I checked out… Continue Reading →
Michael Sean Winters of America Magazine concludes that President Obama is either really really stupid or a weak executive. OK. He didn’t really say it in those words but it’s all right there for the discerning eye. Sean Winters writes… Continue Reading →
Ready for some logic? No? Me neither. So you’ll enjoy this piece I read today in The Student Operated Press, which claims about 300,000 hits per month. The column’s entitled A New Epoch for Evolution. Right away I figured this… Continue Reading →
The vomitously liberal National Catholic Reporter is feigning outrage over Glenn Beck’s comment that President Barack Obama is a racist. But to be fair they’re always outraged over there. Not a lot of humor at that site. But their obsession… Continue Reading →
I relay this information to you with a disclaimer. I (or the blog) am not responsible for any sinning that you do from here on out in this post. There is no joy to be found in the misfortune of… Continue Reading →
I’ve had doubts that the reason the liberal elites attack Sarah Palin so viciously is because she scares them. I don’t doubt it any longer. Yesterday, Sen. Kerry, when talking about Gov. Sanford’s disappearance, told a room full of liberals… Continue Reading →
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