We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag planned parenthood

Stem-Cell Wars Aren’t Over: How “Donated” Aborted Baby Parts Are Being Used

*subhead*The “adult” stem cell that isn’t.*subhead* I wrote this piece weeks ago. It has just now been published online. I had no idea that the Center for Medical Progress was about to drop the bomb on Planned Parenthood and their… Continue Reading →

Planned Parenthood CEO Arrested for Idecent Exposure

It’s being reported by a newsradio station in Texas that a CEO of a Planned Parenthood has been arrested for indecent exposure at a local baseball field where children play. If only they let Planned Parenthood CEO’s marry, this never… Continue Reading →

Great Vid! Fr. John Hollowell Takes on Cecile Richards

Father John Hollowell takes up Cecile Richards on her offer. And wow. Please watch the whole thing. It’s the most inspiring video you’ll see today. Here comes the Catholic Church!!! HT Deacon Dance

GOP Congressman’s Daughter Tweeted About Contraception, Media Descends

A pro-life Congressman in favor of defunding Planned Parenthood has six children, one of whom tweeted that she was picking up contraception at Planned Parenthood. Now the media, which is currently, obsessed with lecturing conservatives on civility in the discussion… Continue Reading →

PETA Less Efficient than Planned Parenthood

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals reportedly killed more than 95 per cent of animals in its care last year at a Virginia shelter, a shocking new report states. So PETA says they’re for the protection of animals but… Continue Reading →

Most Shameful Headline…Evah!!!

ABC News ran this headline. And I literally lost my breath for a second when I read it. Why? Because it’s accurate. Here it is: Both Catholic Health Assn and Planned Parenthood Say They’re Pleased With Contraception Rule Announcement I… Continue Reading →

It Would Be Irresponsible for Pro-Lifers to Donate to Komen Now

Did they cave or didn’t they? Did Susam G. Komen buckle under the pressure from Planned Parenthood, the media, and the party of death which all got their thug on to kick Komen’s teeth in. Here’s the thing – it… Continue Reading →

Planned Parenthood Sues, Claims Right to Taxpayer Funding

Two Planned Parenthoods are joining together to sue the state of Tennessee in an effort to force the state to continue giving them taxpayer money. Do they have a right to taxpayer money? It would seem they certainly believe so…. Continue Reading →

Planned Parenthood Thanks Komen

I know there’s plenty of pro-lifers hoping that Komen hasn’t reversed itself on defunding Planned Parenthood with their latest statement that they’re revising their funding criteria. Good Christian people always want to think the best of others. And that’s good…. Continue Reading →

Shock: Organization Founded by Racist Calls for Fewer Black People

International Planned Parenthood Federation just released a shocking new strategic plan (and by shocking I mean not shocking at all) for the Africa Region for 2010 to 2015 that calls for an 82 percent increase in the number of abortions,… Continue Reading →

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