In this corner you have old habit-less nuns in pants suits who more or less act like...
10 Year Olds Knew it in 1948—Catholic Comics Got it Right, Why Can’t Theologians Bigfoot, Jesus, and...
A good friend recently pointed out a web site which has scans of Catholic comic books from...
Anyone who’s watched practically any “news” show on ABC recently must have seen something about this new...
cognitive dissonance –noun Psychology. anxiety that results from simultaneously holding contradictory or otherwise incompatible attitudes, beliefs, or...
To help the Los Angeles archdiocese pay off the “crippling debt” accrued from sexual abuse settlements, Cardinal...
Doctors Deciding Who Dies—Are You On the List? Church Guilty of “Gender Apartheid”—Yes, this WomynPriest is called...
In case of an epidemic or some other kind of disaster, a group of doctors know that...
Catholic blogs take issue with many different things. CMR is no exception. Most of the time, we...
On May 29, Monica Kilburn Smith of Calgary will be welcomed into the small worldwide community of...