After studying the Amazonian Rite I find that it adds to the disunity and divisiveness of the Church. I have found it to be far too rigid. I also fear that those attending it think they’re better and “more Catholic” than everyone else.

The Amazonian Rite should not be allowed to become a parallel rite with the ordinary form of the Mass.

Kudos to Pope Francis for understanding the need of the Church to fully embrace the liturgical reform called for by Vatican II and I call on his Courageousness to bravely condemn of those who put their own needs and wants ahead of what is best for the Church.

If those adherents of the Amazonian rite do not comply that simply proves their hypocrisy and perhaps they were never really Catholic to begin with. Perhaps they were merely self-obsessed Pharisees intent on their own version of the Church and not about Christ at all.

I implore Pope Francis to initiate an apostolic investigation into those practicing the Amazonian Rite and after careful dialogue and discussion…punish them severely by wiping them off the face of the earth.

Only when this is done can the Church refocus on what should be its priorities – the environment, social justice and migrants.