“To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If My requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated. In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world. In Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved . . . “

Once again, an aggressive and militaristic Russia dominates the news. That country, under the dictatorship and thumb of a thug, threatens its neighbors once again with annihilation.

As Catholics, how should we respond? We should pray, of course. But there is more we can do. That country is in dire need of conversion (as are most countries in the world) and while the Orthodox Church has been given more freedom in post-Soviet Russia, the people are far from converted. Abortion rates in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union are the highest in the world. While the Orthodox Church has made some inroads with the people of Russia, its reach is still very limited and even in the best of interpretations, the lack of communion with the Holy See represents a serious problem for the Russian people.

Because of Russia, souls are perishing, the world is threatened with war, and nations continue to be annihilated.

More is needed. What is needed is that Russia should be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Russia is a country in dire need of the assistance of our Blessed Mother.

Wait!!! Hold your horses there bub. The consecration of Russia was already accomplished in 1984. Are you one of those Fatima deniers?


I do not doubt…

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