The great and powerful Oz has spoken, ‘negotiation’ time is over, time for you to ditch your silly religious beliefs and do what we say.
Obama chief of staff: No more compromise, contraceptive rule is done deal
Despite renewed statements of concern by Catholic leaders, the Obama administration is done negotiating and will finalize its plan requiring insurance companies to provide free contraception to women working and studying at religious institutions, President Obama’s chief of staff said Sunday.
Jacob Lew told “Fox News Sunday” that the compromise offered last week to address objections by the Catholic Church is clear and consistent with the president’s “very deep belief that a woman has a right to all forms of preventive health care, including contraception.”
“We have set out our policy,” Lew said. “We are going to finalize it in the final rules, but I think what the president announced on Friday is a balanced approach that meets the concerns raised both in terms of access to health care and in terms of protecting religious liberties, and we think that’s the right approach.”
For all you Catholic liberals out there, this is how the Marxists you elected do ‘dialogue.’ I would say I told you so but…actually…
I told you so.
The only, ONLY answer is the complete destruction of the mandate and Obamacare. There is no other way.
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