McCain Resurrects Zombie Reagan
—In a move bound to both rankle and awe conservative members of his party, presidential hopeful Sen. John McCain resurrected the remains of former President Ronald Reagan to appear next to him.

Steve Martin To Mock Pope. What a Jerk. (Get it?)
—Comedian has become the punchline.

Hallmark Behind Three Parent Embryo
—Here is wishing you a happy “others” day!

Duh! We’re Christians!
—New prayer for the Jews offends the professionally offended.

I Want:
—Matthew ponders the little ways we can be good.

Gay Marriage Marches On
—Parents cannot opt out of gay ‘marriage’ indoctrination in Massachusetts. What doe the future hold?

Newsweek Catholic Columnist Uncomfortable With Teaching Kids About God
—”Sometimes I think it is easier to talk to my daughter about sex than about God. Perhaps that’s because I have a pretty good idea where babies come from, but I’m still a little fuzzy on the details about God.”

Crucifixion? It Wasn’t That Bad, Says Professor
—Marxist: Jesus got off easy!

CMR in the Morning
—Podcast of CMR on Sacred Heart Radio.