Christians Need Not Apply
—UK care homes for the elderly should discourage Christian workers who do not believe in gay rights, say inspector.
Pope Betray-Us
—Catholic lay group formed after the priest scandal is raising money to run a full-page newspaper ad timed to the Pope’s U.S. visit.
Obama: Babies and STD’s Are Punishments
—Presidential Hopeful equates children with sexually transmitted diseases.
Three Brothers To Become Priests
—”Our journeys are all very unique and each of us have our own gifts to offer the church.”
It’s Morning Again In The Catholic Church
—After decades of darkness, is morning finally breaking? A tribute.
We’re Outnumbered!
—Muslims more numerous than Catholics: Vatican
Tattoos For Your Tike?
—Are your kids ready to be inked?
Book: Catholic Laura Igraham Anti Semitic
—File this one under random accusations of anti-semitism. No evidence needed.
Didn’t He Say No to a Flag Pin?
—For Obama Political Problems trump Principles in Flag Flap.
At Villanova, Politics Trump Morality
—Academic hipness trumps Augustinian Tradition.
Bring Out Your Dead!
—I’m feeling better. Shut up, you are brain dead.
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