Gerald Augustinus is closing down his Cafeteria blog.
We wrote about the difficulties Gerald was having in his faith and on his blog some weeks ago. In the post we referenced at that time, Augustinus strayed far from Catholic teaching on the issues surrounding homosexuality and gender change. Even though I don’t read him anymore, it came to my attention that he recently had an even more shocking and disgusting post on the topic of masturbation. The once popular blogger is now shutting down the once very Catholic and very popular site for a new blog. Something not Catholic. Gerald explains:
I know that there will be more photos, for one – one a day as minimum.
It won’t be a blog with a theme, ie not a Catholic or Republican etc. blog
It won’t be all-Catholic-news-that’s-fit-to-print, it’s so much work to sift through th e web and I have to focus on business, ie photography. Amy got exhausted after a few years, too.
Whether it’ll have any readers – I don’t know. It’s easier to be strictly one thing, like, say, DailyKos, or Michelle Malkin.
Topics – politics, culture, religion, art, books, music, and of course photography.
What I can tell you is that I’m not going to argue whether homosexuality is immoral or not 😛 It’ll be a personal opinion blog with no claims to anything.
The current blog has run its course – I’m just teasing people now so that’s not nice 🙂 I’ll keep posting political and other stuff for a few days until the new one is ready, but nothing church-related that’s controversial.I’ve become more, uh, nuanced, so some of my old posts sound horrid to me now, downright Manichean. Apologies to ‘old hippies’ – you’re not all bad ;o) I’ve become mellow with marriage !
I think he has it backward of course. If anything, Gerald is more Manichean now then ever. Manicheans deny the infinite perfection of God and postulate the existence of two equal and opposite powers. Good and Evil. What Gerald seems to be choosing is a middle road between these two powers.
Holding this middle-of-the-road philosophy up as the ideal, he congratulates himself on his keen perception of “nuance”. Of course, being middle-of-the-road sounds an awful lot like lukewarm and you know what Jesus said about them. As for the old hippies, at least they stick to their worldview. Upside down as it may be.
I have mixed feelings about this closure. For certain, I think it is good that his writing that veers of the road of orthodoxy will no longer have a perceived imprimatur by virtue of his Catholic blog status. My fear, however, is that by cutting his tether to other Catholics he may stray further from the truth. I pray that doesn’t happen as I am sure that you do.
As Cardinal Newman once said, “We can believe what we choose. We are answerable for what we choose to believe.”
Please pray for Gerald Augustinus.
July 4, 2008 at 1:12 am
So, who replaced Gerald as the news-and-discussion center of St. Blogs?
July 4, 2008 at 2:57 am
“So, who replaced Gerald as the news-and-discussion center of St. Blogs?”
Would that it were The Black Cordelias! That of course IS a shameless plug… but like any good blogger, you go a few days without comments in the combox – or as I like to call it “comboxery” and you start to jones for it a bit.
July 4, 2008 at 4:24 am
Thanks for the nice words 🙂
I think this is actually a good Catholic news site, no ? It is a grind though, I warn you.
My hubris was to start a blog with that approach in the first place. It of course was poetic justice how it all ended 🙂
For the record, I never thought homosexuality was morally wrong, I thought of it as a ‘disorder’, like, say blindness. Now I view it as a minority variant that has problems unique to it, esp. for males. But then, men are the root of most evils.
I also never knew the peculiarities of Catholic sex rules, they don’t tell you those in RCIA, and for good reason, it turns out. I smell obsessive compulsive a mile away. The book Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven was very instructive on the history of Catholicism’s view of sex, in particular the Stoic-Gnostic deviations that soon took over.
I never was a ‘rad trad’ to begin with, I guess my musical etc. tastes might have created a wrong impression.
Apart from my family, the disgust and hatred expressed by many an ‘orthodox’ commenter certainly accelerated the process. As did books like “Sacrilege”. The final blows were Ratzinger’s documents from when he was head of the CDF.
Staunch, by the book, yes, no, right, wrong worked well when I had OCD, but with SSRIs, they call me mellow yellow, and thus the ‘witch hunt’ had an end. It’s not that I am a huge fan of Bp. Gumbleton now, but I can see the value of liberal arguments, too – and they are in general a lot nicer than SSPX types. Shudder. But I’ve always attacked SSPX.
And, no, I don’t view my family members (who just got married, btw) as ’embroiled in sin’. Therefore, it was obviously time to shut down.
On my new blog, no one can accuse me that I am not, well, myself 🙂
I don’t bear ill will towards those who defend Church teaching without malice.
Good luck, CMR or whoever else wants to do the grind to themselves 🙂 My new blog is all over the place topic-wise, with no claims to anything. Well, except bashing Obama. I don’t sacrifice animals or pray to Baal quite yet 😉
July 4, 2008 at 1:48 pm
“So, who replaced Gerald as the news-and-discussion center of St. Blogs?”
It’s no contest. Creative Minority Report is the new Amy.
July 10, 2008 at 10:40 am
Well, as of this morning, the Cafeteria is not only closed, but undergone demolition.
July 10, 2008 at 10:18 pm
“Well, as of this morning, the Cafeteria is not only closed, but undergone demolition. “
Small favors, eh?
July 11, 2008 at 6:32 pm
For me at least, there seems to be a great imbalance in how “conservative” Catholics view the Church and how they view real life. My own formation in Eastern Christianity taught me to not only love the sinner but hate the sin, but also to look at my own sins first and foremost and not use the Gospel as a battering ram to bash others. St. Silouan of Mount Athos last century said that if you want to convince people of anything, you have to start with what they are doing right rather than what they are doing wrong. When I look at homosexuals and other sinners, I don’t see them in the light of an innocent person looking at a criminal, but as a fellow criminal in this world where we all fall short of God’s glory. For all I know, God is a lot angrier at me than He is at them.
Conservative and traditionalist Catholics love to beat the wardrum, but when it comes down to it, if you really want to save your soul, you would silence the wardrum and take care of yourself and those around you first. Catholicism is not about agendas and it is not about who’s in and who’s out, who’s with the Pope most and who is the hippist ultramontanist. It is about repentance and the glory of God’s love, and we can all use a whole lot of both.
July 19, 2008 at 12:06 am
I have lost a good friend to the feminism of his new wife. It was so very hard to see him become enthusiastically pro-choice — and while they were pregnant with their first child. But, there it is.
What can be said? Cooperation with God’s grace and docility to the Gospel is a stance that we must continually actively choose throughout our lifetimes. We should all hope with St. Paul that we will have the faith and stamina to finish the race.
Arturovasquez, beautifully well said.
July 21, 2008 at 12:54 am
It comes as no big surprise to me that Gerald is not the homo-hater that so many on you on the looney right thought he was. Over the couple of years that I read The Cafeteria is Closed, I think he dropped a number of hints.
What I would like to know now, is how do I access his new blog.
Gerald? Anyone?
July 21, 2008 at 1:45 am
You’re an idiot.
To disagree with, or disapprove of someone’s behavior, is not the same as hating them. But, since that is probably too multi-dimensional a concept (oooh, “multi-dimensional,” that’s a big word) for you to grasp, Gerald can be found here:
…and please take your sophomoric level of reasoning with you.
July 21, 2008 at 2:28 am
Thanks, David, for your, um, thoughtful response!
July 21, 2008 at 2:39 am
You’re welcome.
July 30, 2008 at 9:02 pm
I also never knew the peculiarities of Catholic sex rules, they don’t tell you those in RCIA, and for good reason, it turns out.
Staunch, by the book, yes, no, right, wrong worked well when I had OCD, but with SSRIs, they call me mellow yellow, and thus the ‘witch hunt’ had an end.
Well, in looking back I see a lot of red flags.
Gerald seems to feel that his RCIA experience was less than stellar. I can’t argue that because I wasn’t there to evaluate it. Some, admittedly, are better than others. But it might surprise him to know that many converts (such as myself) are fully aware of the claims of John Winjgaard et al. and the rest of the historical deconstructionists. They really are the same old heresies recycled in our time.
As far as OCD goes, if medication is helping Gerald all to the good. But to equate OCD with belonging to an authoritative, repressive, black and white church (in Gerald’s estimation, the Catholic Church) simply won’t fly in the face of the many Catholics, both cradle and convert, who have been a part of Catholic history. Was John Wayne a victim of OCD? Or Gary Cooper? Or Edith Stein? or John Henry Newman?
Gerald really wasn’t Catholic long enough to get below the surface.
In the ten years since I became Catholic, I hardly recognize the Church he describes.
August 4, 2008 at 7:27 pm
Please know that not all of us (Catholics) find it necessary to name-call or be condescending towards those we do not agree with.
Mr. Alexander,
Please refrain from stooping to the level of those you accuse of being “sophomoric”… name-calling and condescension is hardly the taking the upper road, and lacks the maturity that you imply Ben needs.
August 4, 2008 at 8:00 pm
I’m afraid there’s been a misunderstanding;
1) You are confusing “being nice” with a virtue.
2) You are not familiar with why we call her “Mother Church.”
Were it not for this misunderstanding, you would know that a) ben is attacking the Church’s teaching on sexuality, therefore is attacking the Church, b) ben is attacking the Church, therefor is attacking my mother, and c) nobody attacks my mother without expecting an ass-whoopin’ before the day is done.
In spite of that which he (was begging for and) richly deserved, I directed him to a place where he might find others of similar ilk. It was the least I could do.
Remember, even St Nicholas punched Arius in the nose at a critical moment during the Council of Nicea. That’s right; jolly old St Nick cold-cocked a heretic.
Things could be worse.
August 25, 2008 at 7:38 pm
Wow, you leave the blogospere for a few months, and it’s like you’ve been on another planet. I come back and find one of my daily reads has imploded upon itself.
It took me 30 years of being “catholic” before I got it and became really Catholic. I can’t expect a recent convert, especially with incomplete formation and the social climate now, to get it in 3 years.
Prayers, most definitely, are the best we can offer for him.
August 25, 2008 at 10:25 pm
“It took me 30 years of being “catholic” before I got it and became really Catholic. I can’t expect a recent convert, especially with incomplete formation and the social climate now, to get it in 3 years.”
It has taken me 31 years… and I still put the practicing in Practicing Catholic!
Might I suggest that folks join me in having Masses offered for Gerald?
Two great groups to deal with are the Catholic Near East Welfare Association:
And the Seraphic Mass Association:
The priests of China are supported by the Cardinal Kung Foundation… one Mass stipend (requested donation of $10) will support a priest for three days… It may help Gerald for eternity…
January 15, 2009 at 7:06 pm
I am the one that called him an Apostate.
And I think it fits.
March 19, 2009 at 3:56 am
I will pray for him. I hadn’t been able to access his blog, and wondered what was up. Well, now I understand…