Just hours after the Government takeover, GM announces new models.
GMC ANWRRequires oil but has no place to put it.
GM FannieMaeWorks fine when going up hill but falls apart when going down hill.
GM Barney FrankConversely only works when going down.
GMC Bailout Won’t get you more than a few miles but a gov’t tow truck will pick you up and send the bill to your rich neighbor.
GM PelosiCrazy looking headlights that distort everything you see.
GM Stimulus Actually this is not a new model. They just took your neighbors car and gave it to you.
GM Healthcare Allows for no customization and you have to wait two years to get it. When it finally arrives, it doesn’t work. (Produced in Canada & UK and imported into the US)
And a special bonus as per CEO Obama’s mandate all GM vehicles will now be equipped with a standard feature that in the event a foreign car cuts you off and almost kills you and you hit the horn, your car automatically apologizes to the foreign car.
Enjoy The Ride!
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