Choose your own metaphor.
I say this is a metaphor for the Democrats insistence that passing healthcare is essential to their electoral survival. What do you say?
Choose your own metaphor.
I say this is a metaphor for the Democrats insistence that passing healthcare is essential to their electoral survival. What do you say?
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February 7, 2010 at 2:34 am
I like the one where the commie tells the people, "Today the rich eat strawberry shortcake and the poor eat bread but after the revolution everyone will have strawberry shortcake." Voice from the crowd said, "But I don't like strawberry shortcake." Commie goes, "After the revolution you will like strawberry shortcake."
We better stop this commie takeover; it is not American.
February 7, 2010 at 3:53 pm
That's a great story. It gets filed in my mind alongside Margaret Thatcher's quip to the effect that socialism is great, until you run out of other peoples' money.