Word is that Lance Armstrong will offer some form of admission on the Oprah Winfrey show.

Disgraced cycling star Lance Armstrong plans to admit to doping throughout his storied career in an interview with Oprah Winfrey next week, USA Today reported early Saturday.

The interview will be taped in Armstrong’s Austin, Texas home and air Thursday on the Oprah Winfrey Network. Citing an anonymous source, the newspaper reported Armstrong will admit to using performance-enhancing drugs but probably won’t talk about specific incidents.

Telling the truth is good, but not if it is in service of a lie.

You see, Lance didn’t just lie to coverup his doping. He destroyed many peoples lives in the process. He cut them off, demonized them, threatened them, and destroyed them.

If this interview is supposed to convince us that Lance is sorry for what he has done, then I fear it is in service of a lie.

If you are really sorry Lance, apologize to all those people whose lives you have harmed or destroyed. Use you considerable wealth to try and make it up to them. In short, do penance. Penance starts with “I’m sorry” but it doesn’t end there.

Fix what you have broken Lance. You can’t fix everything, but you can fix some things or you can try.

Live strong by penance Lance.
