I know this doesn’t mean anything. Not a thing. I’d be crazy to read anything into this. Absolutely batty, right?
The fact that Roberts is hosting his lesbian cousin in the courtroom for the hearing on Prop 8 is absolutely nothing to worry about, right?
And it means nothing that his lesbian cousin has actively pushed for gay marriage, right? This is just Matt being crazy, right?
The LA Times reports:
Jean Podrasky, 48, a lesbian who wants to marry her partner, will be at Tuesday’s U.S. Supreme Court hearing on Proposition 8 in seating reserved for family members and guests of Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.
“I am so excited,” said Podrasky, an accountant and the first cousin of the chief justice on his mother’s side. “I feel quite honored and overwhelmed.”
Roberts is a conservative appointed by President George W. Bush in 2005. Podrasky, who is more liberal, said she rooted for his nomination to be approved by the U.S. Senate. “He is family,” she said.
Podrasky lives in San Francisco and usually sees Roberts only on family occasions. His mother is her godmother, whom she adores. She said Roberts knows she is gay and introduced her along with other relatives during his Senate confirmation hearing. She hopes he will meet her partner of four years, Grace Fasano, during their Washington visit. The couple flew to Washington on Sunday.
“He is a smart man,” she said. “He is a good man. I believe he sees where the tide is going. I do trust him. I absolutely trust that he will go in a good direction.”
Podrasky obtained the highly coveted courtroom seats by emailing Roberts’ sister, Peggy Roberts, and then going through his secretary. Roberts knows she is attending, she said. She, her partner, her sister and her niece will attend Tuesday’s arguments on Proposition 8. On Wednesday, her father will take her niece’s place for the hearing on the challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act.
Although Podrasky has no personal knowledge of her cousin’s views on same-sex marriage, she expects the court will overturn the 2008 ballot initiative, leaving her free to marry Fasano.
I actually think that the Court is not going to “Roe” us on the issue of gay marriage. I actually think that the court will believe that states are beginning to overturn marriage all on their own. But what do I know? I thought the Roberts court would find Obamacare illegal.
There’s two options here:
1 – He fully intends to overturn Prop 8
2 – He’s not going to overturn it but he wants people to know he’s not a hater.
I wouldn’t bet on the second option.
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