They’re assuming that President Obama cares all that much:


ISIS is clearly feeling the pain after weeks of intense air strikes against it by the U.S.- led coalition fighting the spread of the terrorist organization in the Middle East.

Employing its familiar tactics, the Islamic State is now threatening to execute the 150 Assyrian Christians they have taken hostage in Syria.

While initial reports suggested that between 70 and 100 people had been taken captive, according to the Daily Mail the true figure is thought to be almost double, including many women, children and elderly people.

It is thought that a new ISIS video is in the making which will address American President Barack Obama. It will tell him that if the air strikes don’t stop, the 150 Christian hostages will be killed.

Can we be real about this? Unless this is on the top of news broadcasts and there is significant political pressure this too will be swept under the rug.

I’m not saying that Obama should capitulate. He shouldn’t. But the current policy is clearly not working. These Christians will likely be killed. And more will follow.

Could you imagine any other group (other than Jews) being targeted in such a clear and horrific way that would only bring yawns and ho-hums.

Hey, at least these 150 Christians will never get on their high horse.

