To all those Catholics that have been desperately trying to maintain that nothing has changed as a result of the exhortation. The Pope just shot you in the back. You really shouldn’t have been standing there in the first place. It is kinda your own fault, getting shot in the back.
Here you go kids. This is the smoking gun quote given today in his press conference. Read it and weep.
“Q:Some maintain that nothing has changed with respect to the discipline that governs the access to the Sacraments for the divorced and remarried, and that the law and the pastoral practice and obviously the doctrine remains the same; others maintain instead that much has changed and that there are many new openings and possibilities. The question is for one person, a Catholic, that wants to know: Are there new concrete possibilities, that did not exist before the publication of the Exhortation or not.”
“A: I can say yes. Period.*”
Please note, the question to the Pope references law, pastoral practice, AND Doctrine.
* I have updated the quote to include the word “Period.” [source]
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