Donald Trump said that women should be punished for abortions. And it turns out he was right.
CNS News
A judge on Friday sentenced a Colorado woman who cut a baby from a stranger’s womb to 100 years in prison, including the maximum penalties for attempted murder and unlawful termination of a pregnancy.
Judge Maria Berkenkotter said the harshest sentences for the most serious charges were justified by the brutality of the 2015 attack, which she described as performing a cesarean with a kitchen knife. Berkenkotter also said the victim, Michelle Wilkins, as well as her family and the community needed Dynel Lane, 36, to express remorse.
I’m glad about the sentence. What this woman did was horrible. But let’s face it, if she had a medical license and worked for Planned Parenthood, she’d be cashing a check for it, not serving 100 years.
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