Joe Rogan said some very bad things a decade ago. Nobody cared until he went up against Big Pharma and Big Government. These people who are attacking him now didn’t care he said the n-word. They cared that he questioned #thescience.

There will be no forgiveness for Rogan because there doesn’t seem to be a lot of back down in Rogan. If he were to promise to never question the science again and promise just to talk about UFC, hallucinogenics, and Bernie Sanders they’ll leave him alone.

Those who stand against the science will be deemed racist, homophobes, and Islamaphobes. Why? Because there’s too many people who question our response to Covid-19 for that accusation to be effective. So they must attack anyone who publicly questions the science as a racist. It’s the only thing they have that works so they must go there.

Look at Justin “Blackface” Trudeau calling the truck convoy a bunch of racists. Why? Because calling them vaccine skeptics doesn’t frighten them. But if you label someone a racist, that hurts. That stings. People can’t get employed when they’re labeled a racist. People are shunned when they’re labeled a racist.

Rogan is a great test case. If he backs down, this sends a chilling message to all other podcasters. “We can get to you.” And they will mostly fall silent. Truth-tellers must be punished. This is a big deal.

There this sub stack that I found that has great background on who is running the hit job against Rogan. Spoiler Alert – It’s a Democrat Super Pac.