Since it is plainly evident that the left is attempting to erase Christianity from our culture, what do you think they’re going to do to Christians?
How long until quoting the Bible will be deemed “hate speech” and banned from all social media?
How long until Catholic schools are prohibited from hiring and firing for mission? If a religious school can’t refuse to hire an openly transgender teacher, it ceases to be a religious school.
How long until you can be fired for wearing a cross?
How long until your faith is deemed that the dogma lives loudly within you and you are prohibited from holding public service jobs?
This is coming. You can pray that it doesn’t come to this. But I’d also pray for courage to face it down.
Mind you, the most dangerous anti-Christian movement will take place from within Christianity itself. The death of Christianity will be argued by utilizing Christian principles such as love, good and evil, and human rights. They will seek to paganize Christianity itself. They will use Christ as essentially an avatar for their own agenda.
So, in that way, they will not be seen as anti-Christian but a new and advanced form of Christianity. A more evolved Christianity.
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